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Lemonade Mouth - Official Movie Trailer

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Lemonade Mouth Insiders 10/31/2012

Lemonade Mouth Insiders:
Huge news! To go with the new LM book, LEMONADE MOUTH PUCKERS UP,  Adam Hicks, Naomi Scott, Hayley Kiyoko, and Chris Brochu have recorded a new SINGLE called "Don't Stop The Revolution"!!! (You guys are gonna LOVE it!) Both the book and single will be out Nov 13 in bookstores, Amazon, and iTunes, but you can see sneak-peek images from the recording sessions at!! Coolness, huh? Spread the word!

Only 13 days left! Have you pre-ordered your copy of LMPU yet? Hmmm?

Take charge! Speak your mind! Stand up for what you believe in!
-- Stella, Olivia, Wen, Charlie & Mo

P.S. More stuff you can do:
     Get the first Lemonade Mouth book, the original novel that started the revolution, by clicking
     Pre-order your copy of Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up by clicking
     Hear/watch the author read the first chapter of LMPU on Youtube by clicking
     Follow us on Facebook:
     Follow us on Twitter (@lemonade_mouth):

Sunday 28 October 2012

Naomi Scott's New Movie Needs Your Help

Naomi Scott's new short film, Our Lady of Lourdes, needs your help to get finished.
This is a fantastic chance for you to get involved in the film making process. They are even willing to put you in the movie!

The film is the product of filmmaker Peter Szewczyk.What is the movie about? This is from the press kit:

 A vagrant comes to the aid of a University student.
When she tries to return the favour, she gets far more than she bargained for. 

 In Peter Szewczyk's words:

We are looking for COMPLETION FUNDS for our ambitious short film. There are so many projects out there that are no more than a twinkle in the filmmaker's eye, but we have done so much already! When it looked like the window was going to close on a fantastic opportunity to work with such established actors and a die-hard crew, on a rock-solid script, I took the plunge and drained my own personal savings account to get the film SHOT. Have a look at the special edition Kickstarter trailer, that shows where we are so far...

But that's only half the battle...Now we have to get the film FINISHED. That means getting through all the post production, where the film gets polished to a level that really captivates an audience. Our goal is so tantalizingly close. If funded, we should hit our goal of having a finished film to share by the end of January.

So please, it would break the hearts of all the people who have already sacrificed so much, if the film doesn't see the light of day soon. All the people involved are really proud of their effort, so we need your help to get a chance to complete the film and show it off.

It's important to us that we carry the same level of quality that went into the shoot, to go into the post production. We need to get the picture edited, and with 4-5 hours of footage, shot over nearly a week, to make a 25 minute film, that is no easy task. Bad sound is unforgivable, so we need to get an ace sound designer, and of course then there is the music, which really comes to the forefront in the final sequences of the film. We already have people in mind for all these roles, but we need to pay them at least a modest rate, as a gesture of our appreciation.

 Click HERE to find out more!

Saturday 27 October 2012

Lemonade Mouth Records New Song!

From Twitter:
Chris Brochu ‏@Chris_Brochu

so here are the answers to your questions.

Is there a Lemonade Mouth 2 movie? Nopeeeee. Is there a book by the name of... Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up? HECKKKK YEAHHHHH. It comes out November 13th.

Did Adam, Nay, Hayley and myself just record a track to be released the same day the book comes out?

You better believe we did. Is this song gonna make people want to start a revolution?
yup...and probably dance just a little bit. as well ;)

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Hayley Kiyoko Launches Pledge Campaign For Her New EP


EP Release has launched!

Been working on this campaign for 2 months, and it is finally up!! check it out kiyokians!!


EP Release

Pre-order your copy of Hayley Kiyoko's new EP here + gain access to exclusive videos, mp3s, photos and more.

After many side projects, I am FINALLY releasing my first SOLO EP!
I have been anxiously awaiting this day and I couldn’t be more excited to start this journey with you! You all have been so supportive and I just want to give you a big group hug….

Now that I am finally working on my solo career, I want to continue to have creative control and most of all put out a product that I am most proud of.
The problem with doing it yourself?
You need to be a millionaire or have a millionaire invest in you.
Recording in a studio, paying for advertising, band members, and music videos take more dollar signs than I ever imagined….

So far, I have been lucky enough to have supportive friends doing me favors, but if I want to take it to the next level, I need your help. I need your pledge.
So, here is how pledge music all works,

Pick an item to the right that you want to PLEDGE for! I tried to put up things that you would love (I’m especially excited about the T-shirts we designed for you).
Then, tell all of your friends about this campaign, and even your relatives, neighbors, hair dresser, etc…we need to SPREAD THE WORD!
When you pledge, during the campaign, I will be posting EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS and updates for you including me in the studio, audio clips, sometimes even just a random hello! I want you to know I am working like a crazy person to get my music launched!
Once we have reached 100% of our goal, I will be using these funds for studio time, producers, band members for live shows, advertising, photo shoots, more studio time, more shows, and the list goes on and on.

HERE IS THE CATCH! If we don’t hit the 100% goal, all of you will get your money back, but unfortunately, that also means you won’t receive any of the awesome stuff that you pledged for. :(

So I am kindly asking you, Kiyokians …..To please help however you can. Even if you are unable to pledge, please send this campaign to all of your friends.

I love creating music and performing.
I love you all and I truly thank you for your support and help.
Kiyokians, thanks for always making me smile and I am so excited to do this, WITH YOU.

Hungry, restless, wicked, and wild.

Hayley :)

Friday 12 October 2012

Instruments Used By Lemonade Mouth Part 9

Hi i want to ask you about scotts red guitar do you know what is it? I can`t find its name. .
Thank You - Artur Szalata

Hi, yes I think I do know. To me, it looks like that staple of 80's hairbands, a Jackson/Charvel. I think the model is a Soloist, but the guitar is a few years old. Current Soloists look simmilar, but not exactly the same.

Hope this helps and thanks for the question.